Why you should always take the stairs!

You should always try to take the stairs because walking is so good for you!

We’ve put together a list of the 6 benefits of walking (seeing as a lot of people often disregard it as a form of exercise!).

Benefit 1: Walking IS a form of exercise.
If you walk for just 10 minutes, you can start experiencing the benefits you get when exercising, such as:

  • Improved mood.

  • Improved cardiovascular endurance.

  • Strengthened bones and muscles.

  • Prevent or manage various conditions, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer and type 2 diabetes.

The list goes on!

Benefit 2: It is a low impact exercise

Doing a lot of high intensity workouts and sports have a big impact on our joints, and can really take its toll as you get older. Walking has very little impact on your joints, and it can help to keep your bones healthy and strong for a longer period of time.

Of course, cardio like running and cycling still has lots of benefits for your health! Check in with what your goals are because walking could be a great longer-term option for you.

Benefit 3: It’s absolutely free!

Where we are based between Guildford and Godalming, where many of our members live is in the midst of some of the most beautiful countryside walks and parks that England has to offer! You can go on your own, with friends, family, your dog, to go and spot wildlife, and just to get some peace and quiet, all while being absolutely free.

Benefit 4: Burning calories is made easy with walking.

Perhaps burning calories doesn’t align perfectfully well with your goal, but if your goal is to loose weight, then increasing the amount of steps you do per day will have a significant impact on the number of calories burnt!

This may just mean to have better decisions when it comes to your day-to-day life. I'm sure there is one part of your day, perhaps your journey into work where you choose to be still instead of increase your steps, like walking up the escalator or taking the stairs instead of the lift. You could walk to the store or station instead of drive!

These small changes in your daily habits will make a huge difference to your fitness goals and overall health and fitness!

Benefit 5: It is great for your mental health & wellbeing.

Walking is a great stress reliever and gives you a chance to get away from sitting on your mobile phone or watching TV.

With more people working from home, it is important to get out the house and clear your mind and get some fresh air. Taking a quick 30 minute walk will help to make you more productive, enhance your mood and expand your creative thinking.

If you struggle to sleep, taking a stroll at sunset may be really good for you, to soak up red light. It is best not to be on any devices if you’re thinking this could be a good idea for you!

Benefit 6: It’s simple!

It doesn't take months of training for us to be able to go on a walk (with obvious exceptions!). It is the easiest way to get yourself moving and exercising!

So, with all of that, get out there and get your steps in! Fresh air will do wonders for your mind and body- both of which are insanely important in achieving your fitness goals!

We always recommend our members to be walking alongside their sessions at Patch! And you will probably end up bumping into Patch coach George with his golden retriever Humphrey!


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