How to set up your diet and lifestyle for fat loss

A question we get a lot from our Patch members is how to create a diet and lifestyle that will help them to loose fat!

So we are here with three simple steps that will help you do just this.


Your food is your fuel. So you need to remember this alongside your training. But, what is most important with fat loss is if you are in a calorie deficit.

What is a calorie deficit? It is when you are burning more calories than you are consuming. To loose body fat, you need to be in a calorie deficit.

We have a calorie calculator which you can try out and see if it works for you in helping you track you calorie expenditure. Otherwise, there are apps like myfitnesspal which may work better for your everyday life!

This step is especially effective when combined with the next step!


Movement is so important to incorporate into your lifestyle to reduce fat!

Resistance training 2-3 times per week will help you to maintain your muscle mass and strength.

Movement doesn’t just mean going to do a workout though! Day to day movement such as walking, is a great tool to increase your calorie expenditure without adding too much impact or stress to your body. Check out our last blog post, where we talk about the benefits of walking and ideas of how to increase your daily step count!

It is good to be able to create a routine which you can try to stick to. If you have a dog, wake up a little earlier and make sure you go on a really decent walk to start your day. Book in your workout sessions in similar time slots each week. Then you can really build your days to incorporate a lot of movement around a busy schedule!


It’s really important that you are surrounding yourself with people that are going to encourage you to do the things that will help you achieve you goals.

Do you have someone who is holding you accountable when things get tough? (Which inevitably they will do…)

It is important to check in with a coach, friend, or partner to help you along the way.

At Patch, our coaches George, Emma and Ellie are always here to hold you accountable and change your mindset about getting fit, so it is not a chore, but a push to create a healthier lifestyle!

Patch also has a great community of likeminded individuals, who are also all trying to achieve their own personal fitness goals!

We hope that these steps will help you to build some really sustainable changes into your daily lifestyle that will help you to burn fat, if that is what your goal is to do! Please get in touch if you have any questions, we love to hear from you!


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