Why Strength train?

Being strong is so much more than having big arms and a puffed out chest. It’s more than lifting heavy weighs or posting videos online. Being strong is being able to pick up your grandkids at 60, its the ability to carry your shopping up to your fourth floor flat when the lift is broken or sprinting down the road to catch your train to work. 

When we lift weights we create a response in our body, a tearing of microfibres in our muscle that when repaired, grow stronger and more durable.

When we talk about the correlation of fitness and strength the stronger we are the faster we will pull the rower, the quicker we will turn the assault bike over or slam a ball. This creates an improvement of our Vo2 max making our heart and respiratory system healthier over time. 

Strength training can also slow down the ageing process. Lifting weights will increase not only your muscle mass but bone density. This combats the eroding of muscles and joints over time making us live a better and longer life.

Lastly, strength training burns fat; this shouldn’t be our main focus, but it’s a happy side effect. During the recovery period, compared to pure anaerobic work, the body will burn calories at a higher rate. We must feed this burn with protein though or it can begin to chip away that amazing muscle we have built.

Here at Patch we want you to be your strongest self. To find out more click below to get started!

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Understanding the InBody Machine


Patch’s 2nd Anniversary Games