Why do we put an emphasis on strength training?

You're probably realising by now, that we do put a large emphasis on strength training at Patch Fitness, as we believe that improvements in your strength will have the biggest impact on your results and health in the long run.

Why is strength training so important?

Strength training in the gym is based upon the simple movements that we do in every day life - pushing, pulling, lifting, carrying.

Which is why it has such a huge carry-over into everyday activities, such as: lifting heavy items, keeping up with the kids, going for a run, climbing stairs, running after a train, feeling strong on your ski holiday.

Getting stronger in our movements in the gym, will grow lean muscle tissue to support our joints, and will allow us to stay strong in awkward movements that we may encounter day-to-day. And therefore helping us to also reduce our risk of injuries.

If we were to focus the Patch programme around HIIT training (High Intensity Interval Training), typically you would reach your potential fairly quickly, and the high stress, high impact activity would eventually take its toll on your body. However, with strength training, there is more longevity as you will continue to see progress as you get stronger year after year.

How do we structure this at Patch?

You may have noticed by now if you are a member that each PT session has a set structure depending on each day. And this remains the same for a 4-week cycle. Every Monday is the same, every Tuesday... Etc.

So if you attend on a Monday, you know that if you return next Monday, you'll be able to build upon the exact same movements. Your confidence will grow with them, you may increase the weight, the reps lifted, or improve the range of motion of that movement. And this is how we progress.

Want to try the Patch method?
New to strength training? Or fancy taking your fitness to the next level? Try out our 30-day trial for yourself!


Meet Patch Coaches, George & Emma!


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