November Habit Accountability Challenge Round Up!

This November, we set a challenge to our members- to pick 3 daily or weekly non-negotiable habits that you will commit yourself to for three weeks.

This was an amazing opportunity to test your own discipline and see if you could really stick to it!

Some of the suggestions that we gave were habits like:

  • Doing 3 training sessions per week

  • Going out for a 45 minute walk everyday

  • Getting out of bed by ‘…..’

  • Eating 120g of protein every day

  • Food prep all meals Monday-Friday

  • Do 15 mins of mobility everyday

  • Not looking at your phone before bedtime

We encouraged the Patch Team to think about:

  • Habits to do with strength training

  • Habits to do with movement

  • Habits to do with nutrition

  • Habits to do with sleep/routine

The challenge was hugely popular & had some great successes!

Here was the card we gave our members to complete. If you fancy giving it a go yourself for another month, you can use this template! It’s especially good if you have some New Years resolutions you want to stick to!

Stick it up on your bathroom mirror or on your fridge to keep you focused on staying on track! Let us know how you get on with it!


Patch’s 2nd Anniversary Games


Staying motivated through the darker months!