Do I really need a personal trainer?

No, not everyone needs a personal trainer.

However, many people would benefit massively from having one, and make exercise a habit that will last.

What are the benefits of having a PT?

Knowledge, guidance and education.

A personal trainer should be extremely knowledgeable and know exactly what you need to do in order to achieve your personal fitness goals. Not only this, but they will help and guide you in to how you can do this safely. It is extremely easy to injure yourself when you are using a gym and using heavy weights. PT’s are able to take you through each exercise in the most optimal way, preventing injury, taking care of injuries you may have and achieving a really efficient workout.

The other benefit of having a PT’s guidance is that you will become educated on the exercises and the correct form to have when doing them! You may not feel confident to use the gym right now, but after having sessions with a great PT, you may feel differently!

You can be any ability or experience, a PT will meet you where you are at.

Going to workout classes can be a great form of exercise, but these classes are not personalised at all, no one is there correcting your form, or pushing you to choose a heavier weight, or how to adapt an exercise for your injured shoulder. The workout also can just not be aligned with your goals at all. You can be going to these classes, but not know the proper nutrition you should be consuming, or how to switch up your lifestyle to feel and look better! This is why having a personal trainer can be amazing, because they are able to educate you on these things!


It is common for people to regularly go to the gym, and feel comfortable using certain weights, and just never increasing them when they have the ability to!

The problem with this is that you might not see the progression you desire! A personal trainer will always progress your training, moving you to heavier weights and pushing you to do more reps when they know you are capable of doing so!

To reiterate, no matter what stage you are in your fitness journey, a PT will have the knowledge to be able to make you progress!

Patch focuses on strength training, so your coach will always look to see how you can progress week-on-week and increase the amount of weight you are lifting.

It’s fun!

‘Ugh I have to go to the gym!’ is something we have all thought or heard at some point, as going to the gym can be seen as a chore!

What makes Patch fun?

  • At Patch Fitness, our motivating community create such a great atmosphere to work out in that can help anyone to enjoy fitness!

  • Training blocks last 4 weeks, so you can see your progression over those sessions. These are always refreshed so they never get old and boring!

  • Training is in groups of up to 4 people, so you get enough attention, but have people around to get motivated by and talk to!

  • We take the exercises seriously, but we have a laugh in between sets and keep it light-hearted.

  • The environment and music helps to get you in the zone!

If you don’t like what you’re doing, then it won’t be sustainable. This is why we offer a 30-day trial at Patch, we want to make sure that you really enjoy coming and can reap all the benefits that Patch has to offer!

Motivation, accountability & lifestyle.

A personal trainer can support you throughout your fitness journey, through motivation, supporting you through the highs and lows. Also through holding you accountable, making sure you show up for yourself and put the work in. Personal trainers will often do check-ins to make sure you can stay on track!

At Patch Fitness, we send regular check-ins & accountablity checks to make sure you are getting on well in and out of training!

At Patch Fitness, our members receive all these benefits of a personal trainer and loads more that comes from having small-group personal training sessions!

If you live near or in Guildford or Godalming and would like some help with your fitness journey/fitness goals, then please get in touch and let’s see how we can help you!


Staying motivated through the darker months!


Patch’s 1 Year Anniversary Event at Hilltop Kitchen